experience gains. on Operation REDWING plus the guidance contained in

AFM 66-1, Organizational and Field Maintenance, the Task Group Maintenance Control Unit functioned, throughout Operation HARDTACK, as a
single control agency by which we were able to put to best use our
limited supply and maintenance capability.

The overall efficiency of

the Materiel effort is reflected in the outstanding readiness rate of
aircraft and related equipment maintained throughcut the operation.

Further, durirg Cperation REDWING, the then-organized Task Group,
prepared a long range construction program which consisted of a
number of projects for improvement of facilities in the Eniwetok
This document was finalized in August 1958.

Throughout the period from August 1956 to April 1958 this program was
given continuous attention.
action, most of the

As a result of continuous follow-up


projects were commleted in time for

Operation HARDTACK.



Proving Grounds.

Select target paragraph3