Chapter 1 ~ Introduction and Summary.

The Materiel objective was to provide 100% logistical support for

all Task Group 7.4 elements.

Materiel agencies at all levels engaged

in planning, programming, movements, distribution and roll-up of

The Materiel activities encompassed the fields of Suppiy,

Maintenance, Transportation and Construction.
During the months of December 1957 through May 1958, the required
supplies and equipment were procured, shipped, received end broker out
for use by the Task Group 7.4 Elements.

The breal-out of these lienc

were preatly expedited by the arrival of the advarce echelons cf the
various elements, and the Base Supply augmentation personne:.


arrivals, which began as early as December 1957, were timed to meer
The Tas

the operational readiness dates of the various elemerts.

Group 7.4 Lsristies Liaison Cffice at Headquarters, SMAMA, su .é.ied
in vrocurirg al] essential items of supply ard equipment ard shorptic

in time to meet required in-place dates.
A minor delay in the Materiel build-up is attributable to ts
date desigreavion of Air Force elements to perticipate in Creraties

BARDTACK as a part of Task Group 7.4.

Although cur suprly an?

mainteransé support concepts were finalized by the end of Futy 1-3
it was not unta? October 1957 that the mejority of the ar. Ferve
elerents were designated. ~ During 29-30 Cetcber ls? 6 Vricristi pe
ing conference wes held at Kirtland Air Force Base.

This cerferver::

was attenced by representatives of all the ther-coritted elemert:.
The purpose of this conference was to discuss and firclize the
materiel support concept and to prepare listings cf auartitative
su~port requirements.

The period immediately following the materiel

corference was one of intense activity which included firelizaticr



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