At midnight on D-l day, the Air Operations ATOR3

U ri dG GAs

By H minus four hours, the Center was completely manned, including

the Task Group Commander, Operations Officer, air controllers, and Cotunications

At approximately H ninus three hours, the Tower Officer was in place

serving as an advisor and coordinator for test array aircraft.

At 0310,

STABLE ECHO started engines, taxied at 0315 and took off at 0335 hours.


H-Hour array aircraft on the Mission Execution Chart followed at the assigned

time until there were two (2) A4Ds, two (2) FJ-4s, one (1) B-52, one (1) SA-16,

one (1) B-57B Sampler Controller, one (1) B-57B Sampler, and a P2V airborne.
Each of these aircraft was under control of the Air Operations Center and
their positions were monitored by the air controllers.

The effects aizcraft

(B-52, A4Ds, and FJ-4s) were primarily controlled by MSQ and M-33 precisicn
radars capable of very accurate positioning.

The Air Operatiors Center provided

The AOC also had the overall responsibility for safe pesiticning of ali

At H minus one hour, the voice countdown was broadcast over

UHF "Guard" channel from ELMER Island and all aircraft had their radics

positicned in the "Grard Receive" position, insuring that they were
receiving the warnings pricr tc detcnaticn.

By H minus thiriy minutes ai>

aircraft airborne at H-Hour were in position.

At H minus five (5)


the Commander, Task Group 7.4 reported te the Commander, Joint Task Frrcs
SEVEN that all aircraft were safely positioned.

All radic transmissicns

With the exception of emergencies and the voice countdown on Guard cnamnei,
were silenced from H minus three minutes until H plus two (2) minutes,


H plus two (2) minutes, the Air Operations Center called ail aircraft for

/ Co2re




Select target paragraph3