
to the main exchange—Whs, not installed and“informationiwas received that it

would not'bei readyuntil some time in August.. .This shortage necessitated the
implementation of controls over the number of telephones that could
be installed.in saturated areas.. In most instances during the critical
period, telephone extensions were added rather than installing new services.

Teletype and crypto facilities were provided on a joint basis as
were all long distance point to point communications.


Communications Element operated the Task Group 7.4 portion of these cir-

cuits and the teletype communication center in Building 90,


communications with SMAMA were conducted on a weekly schedule with very
little difficulty.
Communication and Air Control Facilities on board the USS BOXER
were used by TG 7.4 for air communication and aircraft control during


Operation NEWSREEL,
Qriginai requirements for Task Group 7.4 Communications included
the use of a voice telephone circuit from the CIC on the USS BOXER to

Hickam AFB.

This circuit could not be established since the USS BOXER

was moved beycnd the range of the AN/TRC UHF equipment for operational

The loss of the AN/TRC equipment left only one high frequency

single side band (SSB) telephone circuit from the USS BOXER to the
Command Pest on Jchzston Iglara,

At our request Hickam Airways joined our HF net and satisfactory

were maintained, during host of the test periods.

Aircraft participating in these testswere dispersed over a much
wider erea thar on

previous operations,

Five of the test aircraft

were more than 200 miles from the USS BOXER and three (3) high frequency
circuits were necessary to control these aircraft.

At the time of


Select target paragraph3