wes acconplish-€ with a unit of ten WB-50 eircraft which flew daily out

to distenc+s of twrlv> hundred nil-s fron Eniwetok and returned.


weather forccasting organization, of course, played an important part in
providing the Tesk Fores Comendcr with that weather information which
he n ceased to ¢_t:rmine whether or not to shoot.

Air surrort activities includ:d th. operstion of C-5, SA-16, liaison
and lv licopt r aircraft carrying passcngers and caro in the Forward Arc:.
At p.ck strincth, Task Grovp 7.4 was assimed a total of 78 aircreft

of 14 different tynes,
hours 3 r°

ceccommish ad,

Eetween 15 March end 18 August a total of18307 "iving
Four mejor cevic “ts ur: sulivr ¢@ involviosg

Jjriso civerrft cvdthree'Jicort rs.

Sa bus.


one life wes lost as < resulta

eet ots,

All Uritc e-d Slemnts of Tas’ Sroup-7.l4, Provisional, w re roa ploy id
to their hom:

stetions as soon as they could b: spared from th: Porwere

On 15 August the main H adguart rs of th

Teck to Kirtland Air Tore: Ses

l-svin: only a s7all -c% lon to Finish

roll-un of suvplics end cqrimint.


LANL pepe

ask Groun trarsfer..c

Select target paragraph3