pilot personnel of nasaricod radiation intensities which
exist. Tb’
performance of these instruments is critical to the success of the misr’

the radiation sefety of the pilot and the operational guidance of the n

determinod by their relative readings.

it is desired that the Air Task .

. wide the necessary personnel and dehunidified field facilities for the st.
-@alibration, pre-flight test and maintenance for these instruments and the .
ated electronic circuitry in the aircraft.

1. Radiation Exposure Dosineter {integron)

With thorough pre-flight teste and calibrations the "intecron,"


developed for IVY by LASL provod to be satisfactory for the
of exposure. Thie unit is electrically self-contained. If

rational control
aircraft sre

used, its position should be changed to a location nearer the pilot than vas
used on IVY.

2. Samle Radiation Intensity Meter (wing Tank or Chamber)
The radiation rate from the samole which is measured instantaneously by an ionchamber in the right wing tank was found in IVY to provide
very valuable immediate information on the effectiveness of a sampling aircraft

during its sampling mission. This instrument requires 28 volt DC and 115 volt,
00 cycle AC power from the aircraft as well as suitable wiring between the cockpit and wing tank.

Experience with the electrical leads and connectors supplied

in IVY FBG aircraft indicates that the circuitry for this instrument must employ

water and moisture proof cables and connectors in order to avoid serious functional
difficulties arising from the salt-moisture conditions typical of tropical marine

clinates. If the -IVY F8,0's are used in CASTLE it is desired that all wiring and
connectors be replaced as required to assure reliable performane at Eniwetck.

Cockpit Radiation Intensity Meter
This rate meter measures the cloud radiation intensity and guides

the pilot in the performance of the penetrations.

It also controls the tota:

radiation exposure and duration of sampling by measuring the background radiation

intensity acquired by the aircraft as a result of surface
As a result of leck of tropicalisation and ruggedness the
for use on IVY proved to generally unsatisfactory. It is
that the Jasper be replaced by a more suitable instrument

and engine contamination.
IRM-72 (Jasper) supplied
suggested, therefore,
which is more rugged,

peteraralized, and otherwise meets the specifications established for the Jasper




Pilot Radiation Protection

Experience in IVY indicated that personnel shielding of nominal
lead equivalence provides a significant radiation protection even for gamma radiations from a pure fission device. Although ths personnel shielding equipment
provided by the Air Task Group for IVY was effective, ite cumbersome nature
appeared to give rise to psychological difficulties incident to emergency exit
or bailout from the aircraft. It is suggested, therefore, that this equipment
be redesigned for CASTLE to achieve simplicity and safety and that it be used
perticularly on tests of devices in which tuballoy is a major constituent and

{rom which a high flux: of soft gamma radiation can be expected. It should be



Select target paragraph3