


' the crew compartment on uf) special aircraft should likewi./

be filtered.

2. Scientific Control Aircraft
The presence of scicntific program personnel in the cloud vicinity
. Quring the operation is essential to provide technical guidance ami evaluation
of the radiation hazard in terms of cloud structure for the sampling aircraft.
On the basis of the observed development of cloud structure, they locate and

follow the position of sections of the cloud most likely to contain significant
samples, and assist the performance of the sampling mission by vectoring the

sampling aircraft to these locations.

They also operationally control the total

radiation aposures of the sampling pilots according to the relative readings of
the radiation instruments relayed to them on the completion of a cloud penetration.

Althcugh one of these personnel will be a rated aircraft director, they are not
directly responsible for the safety of flight operations or the direction of aircraft
to and from the general sampling area, although they may assist in the latter
activity. In order to permit these personnel to function effectively, an aircraft

is desired with the following gencral requirements:

(a) Position: In the immediate vicinity of the cloud from
zero time to the conclusion of sampling operations,
(bd) Altitude: An initial true altitude of 35,000 to 40,000
feet with capability of climbing to 45,000 feet as required by the cloud structure,

(c) Speed:

medium speed is desired.

To minimize navigation and vectoring problems a

(d) Endurance: Capable of remining aloft for ten (10) hours.

(e) Personnel: Maximm of three3). acicntifie personnel
aboard, one of whom will be a rated aircraft director,

(f) Communications:

(1) Two installed & chunnel.NEF aystens with suitable


(2) One HF liagon set.


(3) Ome low frequency homer designed for continuous operation

with sufficient power to permit anproximately a 200 mile ranging capability under
operational conditions.

(g) Navigation:

positioning to within five miles,

Capability ef continuous absolute aircraft

(h) Special Personnel. Equipeent:

Space in the aircraft for

scientific personnel should be located to permit direct contact with pilot and
should be provided with interphone and oxygen outlets to permit movement necessary,
to observe the cloud as required by thc aspect of the aircraft relative to cloud, if
not otherwine : provided, means should be made available to keep window areas
used Zor observation clear of frost.

(4) Back-up:

A suitable back-up is required.

An aircraft

which participates in other test operations may be used as a back-up, provided

that it has similar capabilities end can be made available throughout the sampling

Fadiation instruments:

Airborne radiation instruments are required to permit operational
control of radiation :comosure within biologically acceptable limite and to wrn

Select target paragraph3