





NEW BRUNSWICK » NEW JERSEY 08903 201/932-2598
Cliff Sloan

Office of Rep. Sidney R. Yates


2234 Rayburn House Office Building

Weshington, D.C. 20515
Dear Cliff:

Y 92 NAP O86r.


June 24, 1980

I am writing this letter as a follow-up to our meeting ofApril
14th, and also to bring you up to date on some points concerning the
Marshall Islands and the Enewetak resettlement. By now I am ¢¥#rtain
of your growing bewilderment in these matters due to the many, and
often contradictory, reports your Office receives relating to the
I mist say that you have my sympathies in attempting to
untangle this “nuclear quagmire," and hope this correspondence will
be of some help in your attempt to understand the myriad complexities
in the Marshall Islands.

I should like to say at the outset that I have always favored

prudence and caution when dealing with problems associated with

radiation in the Marshalls, and the entire history of the United
States’ testing program bespeaks the need for very careful analysis

end consideration of all relevant factors effecting the well-being

of the Marshallese.
A case in point is the current dilemma facing
the Enewetak Islanders, and particularly the people of Injebi, who
ere understandably anxious to return to their ancestral island after

living in exile for thirty-three years.

It is my sincere feeling that the people of Injebi should be

allowed to return to their home island, but only on the condition

that it is "safe" for them to return.

I use quotations around the

word "sefe" because the whole question of

Enjebi revolves around the

meaning and interpretation of what constitutes “safe.”

As you are

well-awere, this notion of what constitutes a "safe" level of radiation
is one of the most hotly-debated issues in the nuclear field,

and it

is nearly impossible to find two reputable radiation experts who will

agree about a "safe" level of radiation.

In the following paragraphs, I would like to briefly outline some
nejor points which I think ere relevant to the Injebi question, and

I would like to reiterate my eerlier request for truly independent

radiation exverts in the Marshall Islends in order to prevent further
conflicts of interest regarding the interpretation of radiological
deta in the Marshalls.
If independent radiation experts prolong the
Snjebi resettlement for an additional six months or so, then so be it!

~ix More months is a short time in relation to the thirty-three years

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