Discussion of Paper entitled "Definitive Treatment of 570 Cases af

Hyperthyroidism by Eitner 1131 or Surgery”, by Dr. H. T. Caswell,
et al. at the meeting of *he American Surgical Association, Boca
Raton, Fluré@iba, March 24, 1966 (In press, Amals of Surgery)

“Desoxyribomucleic Acid Synthesis in the Radiated and Stimulated
Thyroic™, sy Brewm M. Bolyns, M. D., Ph.D., Amn &. Rudd, B.S., and
4fary Ann Sanders, B.A. (Submitted to the—Jeurnel--ef Endocrinology)

"‘Desoxyribonucleic Acid Content Associated with Nuclear Changes in

tadiated Human Thyroids”, by Leon R. Robison III, 8.A. and Brow KM.
Jobyns, M. D., PH.D. (Submitted to Journal of Clinical Endocr
ind Metabolism)


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