


Ray Radiation Effect on the Thyroid
As part of our interest in radiation effects on the thyroid we h

most completed a follow-up study of a selected group of patients wh

fore 1950 received x-ray radiation to the neck which presumably incjuded
@ thyroid area. All of these individuals were given x-ray therapy for

berculous cervical lymphadenitis. Most of them were children or yo
ults when treated. Of almost 200 patients so treated, 66 have been

aced and brought back for our personal examination of the thyroid.
elve of these were found to have at least one discrete mass nn the
ght have submitted to surgical removal of the mass. There were two

th follicular adenomas. Of 60 additional individuals knot.n to have died,
e records of post mortem examinations are available on 46. Two had
sions of the thyroid; one of these was a carcinoma. Most of the patients
o died did so within S years after the radiation therapy had been

ur patients who have very discrete firm masses, but refuse operation,

ise considerable concern to us.

A final effort will be made once

induce these patients to submit to surgery.
eted soon.

The study should be c


Maloof, F., Dobyns, B.M., and Vickery, A. L.:

The effects of varibus

doses of radioactive iodine on the function and structure of the

thyroid of the rat.

Endocrinol. 30: 612-638, ).952.

Dobyne, B. M., Vickery, A. L., Maloor, r., and Chapman, E.M.:

and histologic effects of therapeutic doses of radioactive icdine

thyroid of man. J. Clin. Endocrincl. & Metab. 13:


548-567, 1953.

Dobyns, B.M., and Didtschenko, I.: Nuclear changes in thyroidal

epithelium following radiation from radioiodine.
& Metab, 21: 699-720, 1961.

J. Clin. Endocripol.

Dobyns, B.M., Rudd, A.E., and Sanders, M.A.: DNA synthesis in the
radiated and stimulated thyroid (Submitted to Endocrinol.)
Macintyre, M. N., and Dobyns, B. M.: Anomalies in chromosomes of the
circulating leukocytes in man following large doses of radioactive

iodine. J. Clin. Endocrinol. & Metab. 22: 1171-1181, 1962.


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