Jemeg3 L. Liverman

“OCT 1975


With specific regard to the Conard/Bikini situation, the immediate

need that I soe is for a careful restatment of our proposed program.

This should make clear the following pointss

From the standpoint of radiation exposure, ERDA sees no require-

ment for medical examination ar medical monitoring of the
returning Bikini people.


\le do recognize our responsibility for continuing environmental
surveillance of Bikini Atoll in order to assure ourselves and
the returning people that the measures, that have deen and are

being taken to minimize their exposure to radiation, are effective.

Oo of the surest and most sensitive techniques of envirormental
surveillance is blo-assay of the people living in that enviroment.

Exactly becmise the materials we are concerned about are radio~
active, our sensitive instrumentation can detect them long before

they have reached concentrations in the body which would be of
significance to health,

Blo-assay will normally include two procotures:
count and urine sampling.

a whole body

Neither of these is a medical procedure

end medical doctors need not be present to carry them out.


fact, there is no need for medical doctors to visit Bilcdini to
carry out any ERDA responsibility or progran.


The results of the bio~assay will be considered along with our

other surveillance efforts, which include sampling of soils,
water, vegetation, small animals and merine life in evaluating

the effectivity of preventive and protective measures.


information will of course increaso our overall knowledge of
redilation in man’s environment, but the primary objective remains
the health and safety of these specific returning populations,
I suzgest that a statement incorporating the above thoughts be

fornelly transmitted to the Department of the Interlor and tho
ELcninistretion of the Trust Territory. I suggest also that it be
trenslated end convoyed by visit to the people of Biidni and Kili.

NV can accomplish the letter.

The transmittal letter to DOT and

TIPI should indicate that this statement describes what 1s contemplated
et Inewetak also. It should be made clear that participation in the
surveillance program by Bikini end Fnewetak people is entirely voluntary
end is in no sense a condition for permission to return, Wheat is

propesed in this memorendum 1s not a change in direction*‘or in


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