Runit (Yvonne) Cleanup and Crater Containment

‘inated soil and
corded in daily
at the materials
»rocedures were
itegrity of the

Mitchell, stated it best on several occasions—that foregoing future use of
Runit Island was the people’s contribution to the cleanup. In the Enewetak

> the dome was

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2 to achieve the

nal Academyof

Specifically, the
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ag available for
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O provide their

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‘ater portion of
that the dome
> reason to be
night result in

sensus ofall
Runit should
3, radiological
ef, and there
1 responsibly.
sh_ levels of
by wave or
le, Mr. Ted


Return Ceremony, described in Chapter 9, Iroij Johannes Peter stated
that, henceforth, the people would consider the island of Runit to be
“OFF-LIMITS.” Thus, although it appears that the material in the storage

container does not constitute a potential hazard and that surface levels of
plutonium concentrations have been reduced to prescribed standards,
plutonium concentrations exceeding DOE guidelines still exist at
subsurface levels, and Runit should remain quarantined.

Select target paragraph3