Runit (Yvonne) Cleanup and Crater Containment


If there was an evident shortcoming in the construction portion of the
project, it was in the quality control standards and procedures for the
Cactus Crater container. Someareas of quality control were well executed.
For example, directions and procedures for insuring that compression
tests for concrete used in the keywall and dome were adequate, and the

tests were documented.A total of 576 concrete cylinders were tested. The
tests averaged 5,354 poundspsi with a high of 8,401 psi and a low of 3,298
psi, indicating a quality of concrete far exceeding the 3,000 psi design


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requirement. Penetrometer tests of the soil-cement reflected a bearing
strength consistently in excess of the required 300 psi. On the other hand,
no single individual was tasked with overall responsibility for assuring total
compliance with the design specifications and adherence to the
construction schedule or sequence, or for providing continuity, guidance,
and supervision throughout the keywall and dome construction. DNA was
designated, as the DOD Project Manager, to be the design and
construction agent to supervise the execution of the project,!4! a task
which normally would havefallen to the Corps of Engineers on a military
construction project. In delegating responsibilities to Field Command,
DNA was specific in the guidance for coordinating the preparations of
plans and conducting the cleanup and assuring timely and adequate

logistical support services.!42 However, there was no clear-cut delegation
of the responsibility for providing professional civil engineer continuity,
guidance, and expertise. Some at Field Commandbelieved that DNA had
retained this overseer responsibility. Others felt that it would be exercised

through the establishment of the JTG, with its engineering section, and
the designation of an engineer officer to be the JTG commander.
Consequently, formal procedures for exercising this technical civil
engineering responsibility were not institutionalized. When specialized
technical expertise was required, the JTG generally would request
assistance from POD.
Astremie operations were being completed in February 1979, HQ DNA
tasked Field Commandto establish a quality control program for concrete
and soil-cement in order to assure the durability of the containment

structure for a long period of time.!43 The CJTG reported that a concrete

. quality control program had been implemented in October 1978, and that

concrete cylinders were being tested. !44

In the concrete quality control program, the need to establish a system
of controls during the tremie phase was not adequately highlighted. As
related earlier, some oversize material and debris were pushed by
‘bulldozer into the edge of the crater. Diver checks could not insure that
. these materials were fully encapsulated in slurry or that a monolithic mass

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