Runit (Yvonne) Cleanup and Crater Containment

:1"°=50 m
SQUARE=1/16 Ha


The dome cap was designed to protect the mound of contaminated
material from natural erosion by wind and water. The POD design
prescribed a nonload-bearing surface of 18 inches of concrete with the
same strength characteristics as the keywall. Reinforcement was not
prescribed because the concrete was to be produced using salt water, which
accelerates corrosion of ferrous reinforcing materials. The final design of
the cap sections was left to the USAE.In keeping with good engineering

practices, it was decided that each cap section should be as close to square

as possible to minimize shrinkage cracking. The USAE decided to place
approximately 20-by-20-foot sections in the first ring, and continue with

that size until the shape of the domedictated a reduction in size to keep
the square shape ofthe individual sections. Each cap section was keyed to
adjacent sections using forming techniques. The POD design required



expansion joint material only where the first ring joined the keywall
(Figure 8-43). The rings were designated bytheletters ‘‘A”’ through “‘K,”’
beginning at the keywall and extending up to the top of the dome.
The first sections of the ‘“‘A’’ ring were placed in May 1979, before the
Donut Hole was filled and before final soil-cement operations were
completed (Figure 8-44). The initial 20-by-20-foot forms were fabricated
on site by the USAE using heavy lumber. The forms were positioned by
survey and anchored with pins driven into the soil-cement surface. Full
forms were used on alternating cap sections. Intermediate sections
required an end form only. The formswere18 inches deep and contained a
4-by-4-inch tapered key (constructed using two 2-by-4-inch pieces of
lumber) located from 7 to ll inches from the bottom of the side form

(Figure 8-45).


Asthe capping operation progressed, the use of 18-inch steel forms was
recommended. These were purchased by Field Command and used
through the remainder of the project. The key on the steel forms was
approximately the samesize as on the wooden forms, but was centered on
the bottom third of the form. End forms of heavy lumberstill were used in
conjunction with the steel forms.
Once the forms wereinstalled, the area within the form was broughtto
grade. The surface was then raked smooth and covered with polyethylene
sheets to prevent absorption of water from the concrete. The forms were
then lubricated to preclude their sticking to the concrete.
Concrete wasplaced directly from the transit-mix trucks (Figure 8-46).

For rings ‘“‘A”’ through “‘E,”’ the transit-mix truck was held in place using

the winch cable from a dozer. This was necessary because of therelatively
steep slope of the lower dome and the deteriorating braking systems on
the trucks. Spreading and consolidation of the concrete was accomplished

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