
plus 20-30 workmen moved to Bikini Island and lived on the southern end


of the island in frame buildings remaining from the earlier Weapons Test

The Bikini families later moved into several of the concrete

houses in the southerm sector near the lagoon.

The size of the popula-

tion living on Bikini has increased to about 119 people as of September,
Radiological monitoring of perdonnel on Bikini Atoll by radiochemical
urine analyses has been done annually and whole-body counting in 1974 by
the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) medical team as specified by the
ad hoc couunittee. Radiological monitoring of the environment has been
largely carried out by the University of Washington, Lawrence Livermore
Radiation Laboratory and more recently, also by a BNL Health Physics group.
In view of the low levels of radiation to which the Bikini people are
exposed, medical examinations have not been done on them, though when
physicians with the BNL medical team have been at Bikini they have held
sick call and examined and treated individuals needing medical attention.
At these times no health problem or sickness was noted which could be
related to radiation exposure.

At a meeting at ERDA Headquarters recently

it was decided that on the basis of radiation exposure, medical examinations of the Bikini people were not indicated, but because of the psychological
effect of living on these test islands an annual medical checkup on all
individuals moving to Bikini and Eniwetok should be done.

Personnel Monitoring
The MPC’s and MPBBs of the ICRP have largely been used in radio-

logical evaluation in this report.

Select target paragraph3