


derived therefrom to have the same weight today as when first formated.
It is my impression, ‘iowever, that meteorological prediction pertaining
to the western states may have a higher order of precision than that
dealing with the movement of low altitude air masses over the eastern shore
of the United States, unless in the latter case restriction of consideration
is limited to weather patterns that are moving from west to east across
the continent.

Cyclonic air sovement is common along this coast and may

result in masses of air returning from well out to sea within a day or two
of previous contact with the land area.

From this standpoint, and the

relatively short distances from the Cape Hatteras region to our most densely
populated areas, it would seem that there is more inherent hazard to an
east coast testiny station than is true with respect to the present Nevada
site or any other located in the desert region.
From all these considerations it appears that from the standpoint of

human hazard the Nevada Site is as goou as any that might be selected.



Select target paragraph3