II AGRICULTURAL PROGRAM Background Much of the natural vegetation on the inhabited islands of Enewetak Atoll was destroyed during World War II. During the subsequent testing operations, many of the islands were occupied by various facilities, and roads and airports were constructed. On Enewetak Island, concrete or asphalt covered much of the surface and in many cases the fragile topsoil layer was removed or displaced. The southern Japtan were residence planted bananas along and eggplants. with with islands pandanus, garden vegetables of Enewetak, breadfruit, such as Medren, and coconut melons, and cabbages, Program Summary The various crops are maintained by local residents under the supervision of the contractor to the DOI and part-time Agricultural Consultant. The coconut palms have been weeded and fertilized on regular schedule in 1987. Circle weeding and fertilizer application and Ananij through 1988, In March 1984, a is scheduled complete on Enewetak, brushing Japtan, operation was Medren initiated except for a 100° strip on the windward side and 50' strip on the remaining perimeter. All non-cultivated foliage was manually chopped down and left to decompose. This process will add humus to the soil, assist in retaining moisture and provide natural nutrients. The northern islands of Aej, Lujor, Aomon, Bijiri, Alembel, and Lojwa were planted at the request of the Enewetak people with the full Cesium knowledge 137, consumption. which The that would the idea was, coconuts render them would contain unacceptable levels for when the decision was made, in of human 1979, that continuing scientific efforts might produce a solution to the problem in the 6-8 years it takes to produce these nuts. Since then, DOE and DOI have been conducting studies on Bikini towards that end. However, until an acceptable solution is identified, agricultural efforts have been concentrated on the southern islands, which are now beginning to produce edible crops. The Council and people are aware that the northern island coconuts are not usable as a food source at this time. 5001534