I INTRODUCTION The after an Enewetak absence people of 33 returned years. to Prior Enewetak in May of to their return, the people of 1980 an extensive radiological and debris cleanup program was completed. One hundred sixteen (116) new homes were constructed on 3 islands and 10 islands were planted with coconuts. Initially, breadfruit and pandanus were planted on 4 islands. Subsequently, various other foods During lived have been planted. their absence on Ujelang, an atoll from Enewetak 125 miles Enewetak southwest of Enewetak. Now that Enewetak is habitable the dri-Enewetak actively live on both atolls. There are several major areas of DOI involvement in the resettlement of Enewetak Atoll. - These programs interrelate and have the common goal of providing food and transportation for all of the people of Enewetak. 5001533 These areas are described below.