Among the commitments made by AEC: an experimental farm would be established on Enjebi
in order to better understand the food chain problem.


A major theme of all of the discussions at Enewetak in September 1974 was the people's
expressed desire to actively participate in planning of the rehabilitation and resettlement and,
to the extent that opportunities might exist, to be employed in support and construction

efforts. They were assured that all effort would be made to accommodate these wishes.

In the months that followed, the people of Enewetak worked with project planners to revamp the

entire schedule of residence locations to eliminate from the Master Plan any construction on Janet.
The community facilities and residences originally planned for Janet were, for the most part,
rescheduled for Elmer.
2.1.7 Master Plans

Authority for preparation of the Enewetak Atoll Master Plan for Island Rehabilitation and
Resettlement of the Enewetak people was granted by the Government of the Trust Territory of the
Pacific Islands to H&N through an agreement dated June 13, 1973.
The purpose of the Master Plan was to provide an in-depth study to be used as a basis for developing

both immediate and long range programs for the rehabilitation and resettlement of Enewetak Atoll.
The plan involved the Enewetak people, through their planning council, in the various
decision-making processes to the maximum extent possible. It provided cost estimates for use by the
Departmentof Interior and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands in budgeting for the programs.
The plan also contained a preliminary study of long range market areas that might be developed to
broaden the economic base of the Enewetak people.
The seope of work in preparation of the Master Plan included the following items of work:

Master Land Use Plans


Conceptual Plans and Models for Residences and Community Buildings


Agricultural Plans


Utilities Plan


Industrial Facilities Plan


Preliminary Study of Potential Market Areas for Commercial Development


In-Depth Review of Existing Facilities and Assets


Budget Estimates

The Master Plan wasfirst released in November, 1973, and was based on several assumptions which

were negated by later developments. Following the publication of the first Master Plan, the results
of the AEC's radiological survey were published. In addition, the report of the Task Group was
distributed in June, 1974, wherein it was reeommended that resettlement of Janet be delayed. Also,
the DNA's Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Cleanup, Rehabilitation, and

Resettlement of Enewetak Atoll was distributed to the public in September, 1974. The DEIS Case 3
followed the recommendations of the AEC Task Group Report relative to radiological cleanup of the

atoll, the living patterns of the people and local food sources.

The introduction to the revised Master Plan (1975) stated:
"The people of Enewetak among themselves have determined on which islands they wish
to reside. Land has been reallocated and both the driEnjebi and the driEnewetak will
live on Enewetak, Medren, and Japtan islands. These determinations were made known
to the TTPI during the Ujelang field trip in December, 1974.

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