
PLATE 1. ISLANDS FLORA TO IRENE, FALL, 1952. /s/ands, left to right, are Flora, Gene, Helen and Irene shown
prior to the MIKEtest. The MIKEdevice was locatedin the black building on Island Flora. The line-of-sight facilities
extended about 9000 feet from the MIKE building to a bunker near the east end of Irene. Following the MIKEtest,

Island Flora was gone andin its place was a crater about 5800 feet across and 190 feet deep. The later KOA test removed

Island Gene and generated a crater about 4300 feet across and 170 feet deep and extending into the MIKEcrater. Wave
patterns and water currents were changed by the presence of the craters, resulting in erosion of Island Helen and the
development of a long crescent-shaped sand bar extending from Island Irene out to about the area where Helen was.

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