1972 Survey
During the 1972 survey, soil samples were collected at 26 sites and a few vegetation and animal

samples were also taken. Four of the 26 locations had 0-35 em profile samples while the remaining
22 were 0-15 em core samples. The profile results indicated that the activities of 1 Cs, 90sr and
239,240py declined steadily with increasing depth at three of the locations. The other location
showed a homogeneous distribution of low activities for these isotopes.
A distinction was made between sparse and dense vegetation for the soil sample results.


surface activities for these isotopes were associated with the heavier vegetated area, whereas lower

activities were found in the less densely vegetated portion of the island. The 1972 aerial data also
showed this distinction.
Tables 7-1, 7-2 and 7-3 summarize the 0-15 em data collected on Olive in 1972 for 137 Cg, 90sr and

239,240 py, respectively.


Olive was measured with the IMP in December 1977 on a 50 m grid. Soil samples were collected at
four locations with two composites taken at each of three depths for a total of 24 samples (see

Section 4.2.1 for details on the sampling procedure). Using the surface results only, a ratio of TRU

to 24lam of 2.74 + 0.46 was estimated (see Tech Note 2.3). Figure 7-35 shows both the IMP andsoil
sample locations.

Using the 2414m IMP data and the estimated ratio, TRU values were determined based on original
data. (See Tech Note 23 for discussion of original versus final data.) Area averages were computed
using the kriging technique and estimates of the 0.5 s upper bounds on the 0.25 hectare averages

were made, where s is the standard deviation of the kriging error (see Section 5.1). No 0.25 hectare
upper bound exceeded 40 pCi/g, so Olive met Condition C without soil removal.

A soil disturbance experiment was conducted on Olive to determine how much reduction in surface

activity was due to lane-cutting activities. The conclusion based on this experiment was a reduction

is observed but is significant only when the disturbance is very extreme.
data were ever made based onsoil disturbance.

No adjustments to IMP

Figure 7-36 shows isopleths on surface TRU activity based on final data. Table 7-4 summarizes the

island averages for computed TRU, 137Cs and 60Co data for IMP measurements.
Fission Product Sampling

Olive was sampled on a 50 m grid for the Fission Product Data Base Program in support of the dose
assessment(see Section 6.11). Soil samples were collected at 50 locations with 9%sr analysis done on
soi] from 12 of these locations.. Tables 7-1, 7-2 and 7-3 give summary statisties for the 0-15 em data

Cs, 90sr and computed 239,240 p,, respectively.

The island average transuranics value reported in the Certification is 20 pCi/gm for surface soil, and
the transuranies classification is Agricultural.


Select target paragraph3