Two locations were sampled on Perey for the Fission Product Data Base Program in support of the
dose assessment (see Section 6.11). Soil from both locations, was analyzed for 3 a Tables 7-1, 7-2
and 7-3 give summary statistics for the 0-15 em data for 137Cs, Y0sr and
for this sampling.


Pu, respectively,

The island average transuranics value reported in the Certification is 6 pCi/gm for surface soil, and
the transuranicsclassification is Residence.
7.4.4 Mary
Island Mary (Marshallese: Bokenelab) is one of the smaller northeastern islands, having an area of
only 5 hectares. The island is moderately vegetated, with large areas being entirely clear except for

the thick ground cover of grass and morning glory vines. There were few scientific stations on Mary
during testing activities, and no ground zero sites. Debris removal activities during the cleanup
caused little soil disturbance. Mary ranks 12th among the islands in the Atoll in total H + 1 hour
exposure rate with 2,785 R/h; there were no known or suspected burialsites of radioactive material.
1972 Survey

Soil samples were collected at 22 locations on Mary during the 1972 survey and a few vegetation and
animal samples were taken. Of the 22 soil samples, 19 were 0-15 cm core samples and 3 were 0-35
em profile samples. One profile result only had results down to a depth of 7.5 em so no inferences
about distribution can be made.

Of the remaining two profiles, one showed the activity of 13T¢5,

Usp and 239;24%y declined steadily with depth, and the other profile showed a homogeneous
distribution of low activity for all four isotopes. This last profile may be explained by construction
activity on the island during the testing operation.

Tables 7-1, 7-2 and 7-3 give the 0-15 em summary results for 13%cs, 90Sr and 239,240py,

respectively, for data collected in 1972.

Mary was measured with the IMP in late March 1978.

Soil samples were collected around the same

using these soil sample results (see Tech Note 2.15).

Soil sample and IMP locations are shown in

time at five locations with two composites at three depths for a total of 30 samples. (See Section
4.2.1 for details on surface soil sampling.) A ratio of TRU to 241. am of 2.94 + 0.13 was estimated
Figure 7-30.

Using the ratio estimated and the 241 4m IMP results, TRU values were calculated.

Due to the small

size of this island and few data points, no kriging estimates were made. The individual TRU values
reported indicated that Mary met Condition C based on original data. (See Tech Note 23 for
discussion of original versus final data.)

Following the initial characterization of Mary, it was discovered that the detector that measured
this island experienced a loss in efficiency causing calculated 2414m IMP values to be low. A
correction factor was estimated for this problem and the data corrected for the final
characterization. (See Tech Note 5.2 for details on this problem and the determination of the
correction factor.)
Figure 7-31 shows the isopleths of TRU activity after correcting the final IMP data for the
appropriate efficiency. Table 7-4 gives island means for computed TRU, 137% Cg and ®%Co for the
final IMP data.
Fission Product Sampli ng
Twelve locations on Mary were soil sampled for the Fission Product Data Base Program in support of

the dose assessment (see Section 6.11). Soil from four of the locations was analyzed for 90sr,
Tables 7-1, 7-2 and 7-3 summarize the results of this sampling for the 0-15 em data on 13% Cs, 90sp
and 239,240 py, respectively.

Select target paragraph3