There was also a large quantity of metal debris, especially at the north end of this island and in the

lagoon near the center of the island,

Neither the structures nor the debris were radioactively

There were no known or suspected burial areas and no ground zero sites on Fred. However, one area
was known to have been used for decontamination, and drains or drain outfalls from these might have
some residual contamination. Fallout from four nuclear events affected Fred, resulting in a total H

+ 1 hour exposure rate of 2.6 R/h.
1972 Survey Results

Soil samples were taken at 24 locations on Fred, with 0-125 em profiles at four locations and 0-15

em core samples at the remaining 20 locations. Several vegetation samples werealso taken.

The depth distributions of 137Cs, 90sr and 239240pu were similar, either decreasing gradually with

depth or remaining constant at a low activity level. The surface activity of all four isotopes was
yer low throughout the island. Tabies 7-1, 7-2 and 7-3 summarize the results for 0-15 em data for
Cc s,

29Sr and 239;240py, respectively.

Characterization Results
IMP measurements were made in August 1979 at 14 locations in the former decontamination area.

The 1972 aerial survey results (see Section 3.1) were used to select several other IMP sampling
locations that had the greatest potential for showing measurable TRU activity. Measurements were
also taken at enough additional points to provide a representative sampling of the island. None of
these 28 locations showed any significant 414m or 60Co activity.
The 1972 data were considered to be adequate, so no surface soil samples or Fission Product Data

Base samples were taken. The island average transuranics value is stated in the Certification to be

less than 0.5 pCi/gm for surface soil, and the transuranics classification is Residence.
7.2.4 Leroy

Island Leroy (Marshallese: Biken) is the westernmost island in the Atoll. Although generally included

among the southernislands, it is isolated from all other islands, standing alone on the reef just north
of the Southwest Passage.

pisonia and coconut trees.

Its area is about 5.5 hectares, and it is heavily vegetated, mostly with

There were no ground zero sites on Leroy, but the island was subject to fallout from 13 events, two

of which were within ten miles of the island. It ranks 23rd among the islands of the Atoll in total H
+ ] hour exposure rates with 235 R/h. Leroy had no known or suspected burial sites for radioactive
material, but there were some remnants of the scientific stations used during three of the nuclear
test operations.

1972 Survey Results
During the 1972 survey, 11 sites were soil sampled, and several vegetation and animal samples were

taken. Eight of the sites had 0-15 em core samples, and the other three had 0-35 em profiles.
Tables 7-1, 7-2 and 7-3 contain a summary of the soil sampling results. Activity of 239,240 py, 13%Cs

and 90sr in general declined with depth.
Characterization Results

The activity of all the 1972 samples was so far below all the cleanup criteria that an IMP survey was
not considered necessary.


Select target paragraph3