FIGURE 6-28. LLL RESEARCH AREA ON ISLAND JANET. The farm” viewed from the northwest at the completion
of cleanup. Surface soil was removed from the area at lower left, just outside the farm area. (Summer 1979)

were left, and historic soil samples are part of the record which can be rechecked in the future; and
(2) a record is also needed for the "before and after" conditions of the cleaned-up areas, and the
archived samples from those areas can also be rechecked.

The archive is located in Warehouse 2106 in Area 26 of the Nevada Test Site (NTS). Reynolds
Electrical & Engineering Company, Ine. (REECo), under direction from Nevada Operations Office,
has the responsibilities of receiving, organizing, and keeping records of the samples.
Warehouse 2106 is a secured facility; i.e., entrances are locked and sealed, access is limited to

authorized personnel, and the warehouse is included on a roving guard patrol and checked every three
hours during nonworking hours.

The warehouse is a general archiving facility which houses other

historic samples in addition to the Enewetak samples.

Preparation of the samples at Enewetak is discussed in Chapter 4, Section 4.2.4. Approximately
15,000 samples have been placed into the archive at this time. All soil samples arriving at NTS from

Enewetak or from U.S. laboratories are in 16-ounce Nalgene bottles and have been sterilized to meet
U.S. Department of Agriculture importing regulations.


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