FIGURE 6-21. SUBSURFACE EXCISION ON ISLAND JANET. Soil was pushed out of the hole into a mound. The
hole had standing water by the next day. Piled up soil was all removed, then the hole was backfilled and

recontoured, (January 1979)

6.9.2 Final Program

Soil profile samples collected and analyzed for the FPDB program during the spring of 1979 indicated
the possibility of several pockets of contamination exceeding criteria; pockets which were missed by
the earlier sampling (Figure 6-23). Criteria definitions had undergone some refinement between the
fall of 1977 and early 1979, so the size of a pocket which would be recommended for excision was
known: If the average TRU concentration was greater than 160 pCi/g in any layer extended to an
area as great as one~sixteenth hectare, then that one-sixteenth hectare would be recommended for

excision to a depth sufficient to remove the layer bearing the elevated TRU activity. At the time
the results of the FPDB sampling became known, there was very little time left to excise and
transport soil from other islands to Yvonne and still meet the demobilization schedule set by DNA.
A sampling pattern had to be developed that would yield boundary definition results much more
rapidly than could be obtained from sampling on every node of a 6.25-m grid.


Select target paragraph3