FIGURE 6-10. SPLIT SPOON SAMPLER USED AT THE AOMON CRYPT. Thetechnician has just removed half of the
sampling tube, exposing the sample obtained. Another technician stands ready to monitor the sample
prior to removal into the soit sample can. (January 1979)

As each core sample was obtained (Figure 6-10), it was scanned with a handheld instrument, then

prepared for further processing as described in Section 4.2.3. Initial gamma seans were performed
by the IMP detector system in a specially constructed shed near the crypt; follow-up analysis on

indicated samples was performed in the RADLAB on Enewetak.

Figure 6-11 shows core drilling

locations at the Aomon Crypt, Figure 6-12 presents the maximum observed TRU value in each drill
hole, and Figure 6-13 shows the distribution and maximum depth of drill holes with TRU values of

400 pCi/g or greater.


Select target paragraph3