FIGURE 6-8. AOMON CRYPT SURFACE AND CENTER MONUMENT. Brush had been removed from the center of the
area but not the periphery. This view is almost due east toward Tilda. (Spring 1978)

The excavation plan was flexible in that several options were programmed for implementation, but

actual selection of options was left to in-the-field judgement as the effort progressed. (Text that
follows will present actions actually taken, but the reader should be aware that other options existed
and may be reviewed by reference to appropriate planning documents.)

The first action of the plan was to conduct a magnetometer survey of the site in an attempt to

locate significant volumes of ferrous debris

The survey, carried out on 17-20 November 1978,

indicated that most of the debris was in the vicinity of the center monument, with only a small
quantity spread out in other areas.


These conclusions were, for the most part, verified by later


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