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FIGURE 6-6. ACCESS LANES ON ISLAND BELLE. Lanes are 50 meters apart with grid stakes placed every 50 meters
along the lane. (February 1978)

Experiments continued from island to island as new combinations of brush density and soil hardness

were encountered. By the time lane clearing was completed on the major islands, the methodology
had evolved to eliminate setting the blade down into the soil. The new method wasto set the blade
about four to six inches above the soil surface. This was found to be suitable for knocking down the
larger trees and breaking off the smaller brush. Occasionally some trees would be uprooted and the
stump and roots would have to be pushed aside but, in usual conditions, a lane could be cleared with

minimal soil disturbance. The bulldozer operator had only to try not to leave inaterial in the lane

that could protrude up into the engine compartment of a passing IMP, or that would be too rough for
the low-clearance IMP to negotiate.


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