
Nuclide (In Order of
Decreasing Abundance)

Specifie Activity

of Pure Isotope
(odpm/ pg)

Half-Life (Yrs)

239 py


1°38 x 108

240 py


5.06 x 10°

241 am


7.60 x 106



3.80 x 107

It is clear that 239Pu and 249Pu must be present in larger absolute amounts than the shorter-lived
lAm and 238py since, in spite of their lower specific activities, the former are the predominant

alpha-emitting species,

The half-lives of these species are all long compared with the 20-30 years that have elapsed since
tests were conducted at Enewetak and yet are short compared with those of 235) (ty /sg= 7.1 x 10
yrs), 238p (t)/9 = 4.5 x 10° yrs), and other uranium isotopes. Thus, uranium is judged not to present
a significant hazard by virtue of its alpha radioactivity at Enewetak; accurate analytical analyses for
uranium in survey samples have confirmed this prediction (Hoff, 1973).
What other alpha-active nuclides might be present in the Enewetak samples and how important will
their contribution to total transuranic alpha radioactivity be?


Among the Pu isotopes, 241 py will be a minor constituent; see Oetting where it is reported at an

abundance of 0.55 atom pereent. Other than its importance as the beta decay parentof 24lam, this
isotope does not contribute significantly to the potential biological dose rate of Pu because its
alpha-to-beta branching ratio is quite low (e/g = 2.4 x 1075) and because it has a low beta energy
(maximum energy of 0.021 million electron volts (MeV)). Another minor constituent of
reactor-produced plutonium is
Pu. Since it is longer-lived than either 239pu or 240py and is
present as a minor component, it does not contribute significantly to the total activity of plutonium
in Enewetak samples. in the plutonium
discussed by Oetting, 242pu occurs at about 0.02 atom
percent which corresponds to 1.1 x 107°% of total alpha activity. The same comments apply to the

question of 244Pu (t]/g = 8.27 x 10’ yrs) alpha activity in Enewetak samples.
longer half-life and is even more rare than 242py,

This nuclide has a

During the production of plutonium in a nuclear reactor, 244py is isolated from the regular neutron
capture sequence in Pu because of the rapid beta decay of five-hour 243py. The only other

long-lived Pu isotope that has not been discussed is 236pu (t 1/2 = 2.15 yrs).

Based upon the analysis

of prompt samples, this isotope is not present in sufficient quantities to contribute significantly to
total Pu alpha activity.
Among the isotopes of neptunium (Np), only 237 Np (t)/g= 2.1 x 106 yrs) and the 236Np (tyjg = 12x
10° yrs) isomer are long-lived enough to be of interest. Neither isotope is present in quantities large

enough to contribute importantly to overall alpha activity either before or after the nuclear
explosion. Other Np isotopes are not important, although at early times one may observe very large

quantities of 239Np, a product of neutron capture reactions on 238U,

in debris samples.


significance is that it decays by beta emission with a 2.35 d half4ife to 239Pu. In the debris from
U have been exposed to neutrons, the

from neutron capture reactions and subsequent decays of

contribution from 239Pu originally present in the device (Noshkin, 1974).


Pu resulting

2390 and 233Np can outweigh any


nuclear explosives where larger amounts of

Select target paragraph3