specific analysis requested and all pertinent information such as: sample weights, raw counting data,
sample aliquots, analytical and gamma activity results. All laboratory analysis sheets were filed by
island after final reports were submitted to DRI and DOE/ERSP for on-island operational decisions.
All raw data sheets, notebooks, and work sheets were sent to DOE/NV for archiving at the close of
the project in 1980.

Gamma data reports were computed from spectrum channel printouts and an HP-97 desktop

calculator during the early phase of the program as only the 241Am photopeak data were required
for the transuranies program.

Efficiency data tables were computed and stored on the HP-97

magnetic cards and used during data computation.

Detector histories in the microfiche list

detectors used and efficiencies calculated for each geometry during the cleanup project. Starting in
December 1978, after learning that the FPDB program would greatly increase the gamma sample

volume, the gamma photopeak data reduction was programmedfor calculation on the HP9831A with

printouts of the photopeaks for 241am, 155Eu, 15 Eu, 137s, 60Co, and 49K. No efficiency
calculation at photopeak energies other than the above were used or provided. Theseries of specific

gamma geometry standards used to calibrate for energy and efficiency are listed in Table 4-5 and
Table 4-6.

These tables also list the standard solutions used to prepare the various geometry

standards. Sample counting geometries are presented in Table 4-7.

All gamma spectrum data were transferred directly to the HP9831A program files from the ND-600
PHA LSI-1] using a 1200-baud serial interface. Sample headers were manually entered on the

keyboard and then output with the spectra to the cartridge tape files for storage.

Samples not analyzed by gamma spectrometry such as FRST nose swipes, other FRST swipes, FRST

air filters, EIC RADLABinternal] air filters and swipes were reported to the organization requesting
the data and were not included in the data base.

All raw reports on these data were later sent to

DOE/NV for archiving. Sample data, gamma spectra, and chemistry results were stored on
high-speed magnetic tape cartridges in the HP9831A on-island and subsequently transferred to 8-inch

floppy dises for transfer to DRI to be put on magnetic tape. Data were added to each sample record
where appropriate as the data fields were set up for all possible types of samples. The data records
for each sample were set up in three blocks: header, spectrum data and results.

A continuous quality control program was implemented for assuring the quality of results reported by
the Enewetak Radiological Laboratory. The program consisted of internal quality control checks for

precision and accuracy plus external quality control crosscheck programs with various laboratories.

The quality assurance program covered the following specific applications: the radioanalytical
laboratory performing the analyses, quality control of counting equipment, analytical performance,

data handling and reporting.

The following information will give a breakdown, details, and tabulation of results for the quality
assurance program.

Internal Quality Control - Precision and Accuracy

The RADLAB quality control (QC) program had to ensure the accuracy of its analytical results

within acceptable limits; this was accomplished by the following steps.

The first step was to

establish standards which could be used and processed through the laboratory along with samples

being analyzed in order to verify the accuracy of the laboratory's analytical results. A sample
physically similar to the sample being analyzed but which had very little radioactivity was collected

from Enewetak Island and used as a background sample. The Enewetak soil was sieved, homogenized

and ballmilled. Several aliquots of the Enewetak soil were analyzed numerous times to determine

the concentrations of 238 pu, 239, 240py and 241aAm. This Enewetak soil was processed with each
group of samples to determine the sensitivity of the procedure at the lower limit of detection.


Select target paragraph3