After completing the 100-meter grid samples, the 50-meter samples were gamma scanned at

Enewetak and all the 100-meter and 50-meter samples were prepared for archiving. The ball mill

constructed for processing FPDB program samples is shown in Figure 4-7; up to 24 samples in
1-gallon eans could be processed simultaneously. The FPDB program, including the analyses of all
50-meter samples, was completed during the week of 7 July 1979.
4.2.3 Aomon Crypt Sampling

Pre-Excavation Sampling and Coring. Initial test holes were excavated by JTG teams before
September 1978 to test the soil sidewall stability. Holes were dug to depths of 5 feet in the area
around the center monument. Soil and debris removed from the holes were monitored for
radioactivity with a PG-2 (small FIDLER). Detectable readings were obtained from the visible
traces of grey-colored clay silt found in the predominantly coral material. Metal debris removed
from the hole near the monument had very high levels of Alam activity. A 5-meter by 5-meter
grid system was established as a reference system for future sampling. A small drilling rig with a
split-spoon sampler was brought in by JTG in November 1978 to map the extent of contamination in
the crypt area. A plywood building for sample preparation was constructed on Tilda 50 meters east

of the crypt, within the crypt hot line, to provide a semi-dry working facility during IMP gamma
scanning of the core samples and to protect the sample preparation equipment.

During the coring

operation, starting 26 November 1978 and ending 13 January 1979, approximately 1,000 soil samples
were collected from 125 grid locations and processed by IMP scanning. Each sample with a 240 am
activity greater than 25 pCi/g of soil was sent to the RADLABto be dried and gamma seanned. Ten
percent of all samples with activity levels less than 25 pCi/g were also sent to the RADLABto be
processed as quality assurance samples.
Using an 18-inch core shoe, core samples were taken at each 2-foot depth.

The core shoe was

seanned with a PG-2 detector for gamma activity and sample material was collected in a 1-gallon
can. Samples were allowed to sit for a short time, then surface water was decanted before the can
was sealed and moved to the sample preparation building. Cans were marked with the grid


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