pressures on the Ramrod as was raised above for Sandia:
this is not a typical situation blastwise.

the fact that

1.8 Shock Winds and Afterwinds = SANDIA
Covered above in discussion of Q measurements.

Underwater Pressure vse Time - ONR, NOL

Thaler described the details of these measurements. Fresent
plans for participation are in Shots 1 and 5, and on the basis of dis-

cussions with Campbell this morning as towhere Shot 4 may be located,

it appears they may be able to get sane additional date on this shot with
practically no extra effort.
This project has reqiested that the weapons barge for the first

shet be located ~ lo$/é miles off Bokororyuru, where the water is 4000

ft deep.

(The reasons forthis location are explained in Section III.)

Since the firing of the Zombie is problematical and a Runt may instead be

fired forthis shot, they have had to prepare for both eventualities, and
have worked out the fellowing arrangement for positioning their gauges.
The main concern here is recovery of the cans. They have
talked with Professor Arons and other experts in the field of underwater

pressures and were told that base surge criteria and water column height
from a burst such as this canbe scaled as a function of the cube roet

of the charge yields

lOn the other hand, if it goes amall, the pressure level at the gauges

will be decreased but as long as their gauges have enough range to cover

the pressures expected from the lowest to the highest they will still
get results.

These gauges are linear from 0 to 3000 psi.

Select target paragraph3