


Base Surge Phenomena

Proposed for Shots 1, 3, end 4. They are talking about
using 15 cameras at three stations, locationsas yet undecided. Ogle

questioned whether this might constitute a duplication with the £640

program already planned; they have been requested to do ball of fire,
early rise, cloud studies, etc., fronthe stations mentioned above, and
he thought any pictures taken from these towers would be exactly what

this project would get. Thaler thought this possible; Aronson does not
know the complete photographic plan, was going up to EG&G this week to
talk tothen.

Ogle has no objection to anyone's talking with EG&G directly.
However, he would like their program to be an integrated one, and prefers

that all requirements gothrough G. Felt (Jel5, LASL) to accomplish this.

He suggested inthis case Aronson talk to Felt to see if the interests of

this pro ject are already covered by presently planned photography or if
these plans could be amplified to include it. If so, 1.le could be left
as & project but would require no additional people or logistic support.

Gilbert agreed the DOD wished also to avoid duplication and that Aronson
should probably talk with Felt.

Peak Pressure by Aerial Photography

The request is fortwo aerial cameras (one l6emm Kodachrome

positive, one S5-mm black and white negative, both probably mounted in

the same plane) to look at the shock running along the water. Thaler
suggested this might tie in with the wave studies (cf. 1.6, below), Ogle,
that it also might be covered by the other aerial photography.

Pressure vs Time on the Surface

In gneral, this project hasteen split between Sandia and BRL,

with the former to use thelr regular instrumentation, BRL totry to develop

the selferecording gauge which they are prooftesting at Upshot-Knothole
for use in the higher pressure regions.

Pressures less than 40 pei = SAYDIA CORP




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, (Taetdentally, exceptfor this projectandthetin

all DOD instrumentation will be on Bikini.) |



Select target paragraph3