believes that to maintain a position the line must be stretched and the
barge left there, then the shot barge just be brought up next to it,

It was agreed that if an extra barge is needed, the DOD will provide it.

The system for mooring the weapons barge presented

above is considered to be satisfactory from an operational and safety

standpoint (particularly with a tug standing by), subject to the cone

ditions and further werk noted in Items 1 through 9, above. Reeves
expressed agreement with this, if the barge is independent of the system
eo that when it is taken away the system is still all right -- he would
net buy it any other way. Also, he added, this is subject to ONR's
doing further calculations which can be reviewed and checked as to certain
conditiens of wind and current, drift


on barge, eto.


Kingsley reviewed the DOD's financial situations he cannot make a

comaitment to supply the extra money this barge shot will require, but
is hopeful. A request is now in the Bureau of the Budget for a total of

about $7,561,000.

They have about 2.9 million left over fron Ivy.

General Luedecke refuses to commit more than $500,000 of extra military
funds until the DOD gets this R&D money.

Graves did not think this would

be termed extra military money, but oonstruction funds, suggested

Kingsley should argue this with the AEC. Spain said if the extra military
funds can be used for this, it is all rights he thought they could not

be used fer permanent construction but could be used for test construction.

Kingsley then requested more details on the estimates presented in

TQ 7.1's THX Ju16685, 3/31/58.
the matter.

Campbell has these, and they will disouss

He would like to have a firm and final figure om how mich

this will cost the DOD: a firm figure for our estimates, plus the DOD
contribution for placing the barge, mooring it, etc., and a premise there
will not be any more. However, final cost for stations will net be mows
until they are built. Spain stated that in the past we have always
worked on the principle of paying the actual cost, i.e., he cannot say
that should the stations cost more than an estimated figure, the sk
would make up the difference.

LaSL feels that the $550,000 estimate is about the firmest we can

we eyes”

give at this time.

Select target paragraph3