



For a lekmot surface current, the force exerted on the

barge is only 200 lbs.

The net tending people informed him they were |

quite sure that, except under storm conditions, there would nswer be

sufficient forces even to pull the catenary taut. For higher winds,
the force exerted goes up as the square of the velocity. The average
wind speed in that area is 20 knots for the time of year we are dis-

cussing. Shouldan extreme of 60 imots occur, the force exerted on

the barge would be up a factor of 16 and this would still be all right.

Also, yt is just for one cable, they plan to mm two out
Fig. 2).

(as in

(Corman stated he has been told the current is sonetines 4 or &
Thaler said he has not seen a number greater than 2 mots --

this apparently from Crossroads data.)

They intend to put deep sea anchors out at 45° to the reef,

ladd's Crossroads data indicate that during the periods of flood tide,
whieh run for a period of 5.2 hra every day, there is a l-knot surface
current flowing into these passes toward the lagoon.

ONR has talked to net layer people about the problem of deep sea
mooring, and they saw no problem in doing this in 4000-ft-deep water.

(Thaler's project put dow moors in 3000 ft of water during Ivy; of

Sten) they were much aemaller so far as sise of cable was concerned,

A calculation was then made of the horizontal tension necessary
to stretoh the line, allowing 4400 ft of cable which gives a 1.1:1

ratio of cable to water depth.

This is again 1-1/4" diameter wire

rope, weighing 2-1/2 lbs/ft. I+ turns out that a force of 5000 lbs
ia required to straighten the mooring line out, before any lifting on
it is started.

There seems to be a difference of opinion as to the condition
of the old moors. A teletype from overseas said the chains were

rusted and the meorings were gone. Thaler did not think this latter
could be trues he explained how they were put in for Bikini, thought
perhaps just the chains will have to be replaced.
The deadman construction is something as shown in the sketch.
Ocean side

Lagoon side
10-ft hole



Select target paragraph3