and 7.3 would be based on Eniwetck Island.


Should the Air Task Group

be moved to Kwajalein, these projecta might move also. 7.4 would
probably aleo follow the planes, since it is connected with collection
of air samples. Part of this is also allied with LASL's radiochemical

collesctions Spence hae an agreesent with AFOAT to give them part of the
filter paper.
Program 7 includes essentially ail the projects AFOAT~] has done

in the pest with the exceptien of the one concerned with detection of

fireball light at distances. It would appear, therefore, that they will
have requirements on Parry or Eniwetok. Kingsley has no word yet as to
what these are. Canpbell thought they would probably include things
like antennas and poles, comsunications, a small lab, eto.
Incidentally, 7.4 has indicated they will want 10 people at
Eniwetok (we had previgusly figured 5 forward). Again, these people
would prebably wish to stay with the Air Task Group.
We had not originally planned to make thermal measurements on all
six bombs, only the LASL ones. Ogle thought this waild probably net quite
2411 the DOD hopes, since some of their instrumentation will be on the







Kingsley said yes, they would want total thermal on that



Kingsley thought

it would be quite acceptable to the DOD not to have measurenents on
Ramred, but he would like to verify this and let us kmow.

To make sure we are talking about the sane thing in connection
with this program, Ogle explained that most of Stewart's thermal stations
will in general be several miles fron sero, as on Mike. At the moment
there is no proposal to make any measurements from the air; most of the
instrimentatien will be in EG&G's photo towers. Quite often, information
obtained from close stations will disagree with the more distant measurements, largely because of dust problens.
Kingsley will talk to Scoville and Giller about this to make sure
it is satisfactory.
No program exoept for accounting. Photography by EG&G and LOL,
timing by BGtG, and meteorology by JIF 7 will be parts of the requiring



Select target paragraph3