Campbell suggested they might use the 75-ft tower on Eninzan

for a relay station and to remoteecontrol the buoys; they had planned
having their own radio control system but he thought they might be able

to tie in with EG&G's radio signals on this. (Incidentally, BG&G will ©
furnish six radio signals.) This is new information to Thaler and

friends; they are considering it, will send a man to EG&G to investigate


It was asked, if they can retransmit from the 75-ft tower,
must they then go to an aircraft or could they use a ship? The answers
line of sight and range requirenents necessitate the plane; also they do
not wish to run their equipment on a ship because of demands for other
power. Therelay station is for the purpose of getting the aircraft far
enough away that it is out of the blast and thermal range.
The buoys will be cylindrical cans with dished heads, caloulated to withstand a static load of 1100 psi, compartmented with watertight sections. The inner section, containing the electronics, magnetic
tape recorders, etc., will be shock mounted.

There is a heat shield at

the top and two antennas sticking out of the top, one channel for the
comand link and one for the telemetering. A beamed, Yogi-type antenna

will point directly toward the buoys, the signal will feed down into the
receiver and then transnit from another beamed antenna to the aircraft,

where it will be picked up and passed to the oscillographic recordere

This project is testing qut some of the antennas on Upshot-

Encthole Shot & willtry to scale theirpositions so.they. will-be-inthe same blast and thermal range. !





frodiGreenhouseandat the
© recommendedtneylook at Frolich'sdata

WBS gamma intensity as a function of time data andsee at what gama
levels Frolich's transmitter started working again (it cut off at sero
time, came back on a second or so later.) They will check into this. If
it appears serious they may telemeter the more distant line rather than
the second one.

Fa the third shot they plan three lines inthe lagoon.

first one will gofrom a little less than 1/2 mile fram sero out to a


little more than 1e1/2 miles. For the close-in measurements mechanical
ball crusher type gauges will be used. The second line will go from

1-1/2 to 2-1/2 miles, towhich is attached the first set of recording


The third line will be the same as the second.

eee ee ete ee

buoys and turns each one of them on individually.


transnitter in its it flies so that it has line of sight beamed at the

Select target paragraph3