~~ July 23, 1978


Bikini Island:
Lost Again
fo Radiation

When the atomic bomb dropped. [
thought Bukin: would disappear completely. ¢ would have been better,
mayoe, if uhad .. . Then we woulda't have all these troubles.
—Nathue Nets,serike

of the Bikini people, 1978
Temes Klett writer

BIKINI, Marshall Isiands—When

the Americans made him leave Bulanu

for the first tume. in 1946, Andrew

Jakeo was M years oll
When, after using the framle Paci.

fic atoll for 23 nuctear test biasis, the

Americans in the person of Prendent
Lyndon B. Johnson assured him, his
fellow islanders and the rest of the
world that Bikini once again was safe
for human isfe, Andrew Jakeo was 56.
Now Andrew Jakeo is 66 and,

above ail else, he wants to live out

the days that remain to him on this
uny curve of coral, sand and coconut
paims with his family and fnends.
Then, when his Ume comes, he
wants to be bumed here among his
Butthe old man will not be permitted lo end his days where he wishes.
For one day next month—I[cderal
Officiais say about Aug. 22. although
official plans dealing with ths place
and these peopie seem to go awry
more often ihan nol—the Amencans
will remove Andrew Jakeoo and the
140 others living on 449-aere Bihiny
Island, largest of the 26 islets that
make up Bikins Aloll.
They will bc transported to “temporary” quarters in Kili, a singie 1stand with a land arca one-sixth thal
of their 2.2-square-mile home atoll.
Kili, without a lagoon,lies nearly 500
miles southeast It is an island some
Biunians habitually refer to as “the

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The Rikinians must leave their aneestral home and its beautiful. fisr\cemung lagoon because the Amencans, as hey themselves now admit.
made 2 regrettabie error [0 ycars ago:
Despite what the sctentisis and ine
President sad—despite an invest.
ment of $3.25 million for cteanup ad
rebunlding -- Bikini is not sale after ali.
Andrew Jakeo and the athers living
on Bikini Island arc being subjected to
unacceptably high doses of radiation
left behind by atomic and hydrosen
bomb blasts that seared the atoll auring 12 years of testing.
Some younger Bikimans may live
to see their homciand again, but Andrew Jakco will not. [t may be 50
yeats before Bikini is fit for human
Andrew Jakeo is biller and angry.
although like most Marshallese he
veils his cmolions from outsiders.
“The Ameneans loid us in 1916
thal they had come to test a bomb.”
he sad not long ago. “They told us
they did not know how much the
bomb would hurt Btkini. They toid us
that after they tested the bomb, and
Bikin is good again, they will bring
us back. They did nol say how long
would be.”
But Andrew— Marshallese address
one anotherby first names and expect
outsiders to do the same—belicved.
along with ihe 165 others the US.
Navy removed in 1916, that they
would be back within a year or so.
Meantime. he was conyjneril, the

American. wid t prove! > for bun ott
the other poop wrod Car

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