Richland Qnerations Office Inactive Records--Selected General Mlectric Materials: The
attached records box mventories list some of the oldest and most bnportamt records in the custody
af the operations office. They contain documents created by reneral Electric in its capacity a8
Hanford’s sale operating contractor between 1946 and 1964. Their contents capture important
management and operating piulosuphies, policies, and practices during « crucial period in
Hantord's history. The boxes and their highlights are as follows:
Box Numbers

84966-58 €4970,

85255, 4237-58,



iE. Manager's Correspomiense 19 ARC, 1946-1267


Piles of WE. Jonson, GE. Site Manager and later ABC

3. PRS6D, 7ES62

Haniord Orgamization Charts and Bulletins

4. GB2980, GRI985,

SF82987, CFB2990.91 .

Hanford Technical Operating Manuals

82007, G8460102 |
%. e382707, GS2673

Hanford Technical Neebooks

The box inventories may not reflect the present condition ofthese records.
Arranging for Access to Richland Operations Office-Selected General Electric Materials:
Access to unclassified portions af these materials can be arranged under provisions ofthe
Freedom ofinformation Act (FOIA) An POLA request may be submitted, or additonal
information sbout the records obtained, by contacting the FOLA officer at:
Freedom ofInformation Act Officer, AT-7S
US. Department ofEnergy
PO. Box $86
Richland, WA 89352
Phone, $00-276-623 18

Some of the records on the attached bow inventories may have previously been made available at
the DDE reading room in Richland These records may be reviewed ond duplicated at the reading
room. There is a fee for duplication. The reading roor can be reached at:
DCE Public Reading Room
100 Sprout Koad

Select target paragraph3