wo believe it is Aunsor bart Caat atescs be Cakan to bowin tho prosran
at an carly date. We owe the nconla of Bikint notoinpe Lesa: we o7@
tue Ameviecan neonla wie have qioumad eeapons|tedidiy for the Truse

Torydtory nothiny less.

Vovover, aitheusi the involvad aroencics of

tua Federal Covermment and le Trust caeltory have Leen for sana
time vorking Coward Che ultima.t?: retum of tha Bihind neooie, Lotn
the tinine of the dotormainatioa t that return wes pousisic, anit tre
suDSe- uend announecnont by th: Presidont were such that it has nos



1969 or 1970 budsct prosra:.

funds for Bikini in any ageucy's



uitherco been possible to ineiude

I would add one further commont with vaspeet to tne esctvated costs

of re-sectlencat.

As you will note ta the enclosed paper, thera has

veen an avsolute loss of Land dn this lnad-noer area.

Suildine: can

ve rebuiit, crops ean bs renleomnend, bet U.4 laud resource caniet uc
vestorcd. suring the Ausust vicit to Bikini. tha renreccntatives of
tne people became aware of the loss of Giic rerour

vLil wress for comnonsation for sucu loss wa canaot

J mively visn to point out that cha enelosnad ra-se

docs not include any
item for such comp mnsation, i loss. or danare
claims are presented
ted by the Sikinians, o¢ 1£ payments are othervise

found to ba dua “Hen.

selieva the rve-settloment progran 3 should continue ta bo mevad



‘lth all voss325


and that its nain features si0ould
We look forvard

“a lead| before tthe Coneaxiess socom after it convenss.

{ &m sending covies of this letcer a.d its cnclocures to the Chaimaaa
of the Atomic Energy Comriosion and tha
Gcerctary of Defense. .cpre~
centatives of both assencies are intoraaily aeare Gk our proposea program

and the funding requirement which ari

Sincerely yours,
fowa\ Ravig Syo “ot

wedi, Secretary of the Interior
von. Charles J. Zwick

Luresau of the cudget
Wasninston, D.C. 20503



“nelos ures


W Id

Secretary's File
Secretary's Reading File (2)








Chas. Johnson
Clark Clifford (Sec. DOD)

Glenn Seaborg (Chairman A™C)

Ralph Earl II (DepSec, DGD)
Col Gomes=

Cdr Kuhn



Select target paragraph3