~15Here is a 6Jan.1959report entitled, "Factors in Planning and

Conducting an Atomic Test Detonation in the Opensea," based on activities
and mectings held in late 1958 which considered the following.


development by JTF-7 of the capability for an opensea test response
capability of 3 months lead time which would utilize an LSD ship which.
would carry either an Army barge or a Navy LCU for the device carrier.


certain type of Naval Task Group is envisioned which would include the two
types of craft just mentioned as well as a destroyer and about 3 other ships
and some P2V aircraft and helicopters.

It is envisioned by the author of

Task Force J 3 that fireball photography could be accomplished by installation
of a camera in conjunction with the fire control radar on the destroyer and
that AEC would have to determine what other austere instrumentation could be ™

A feasibility test to investigate the capabilities of an LSD with

either a barge or a LCU in various sea states and the handling problems
associated. therewith is recommended.

Here is a report of a meeting held at Headquarters JTF-7 on 8 Jan. 59 which
discusses with PMR the requirements for the use of EPG as a down-range impact


area for Air Force ICBM's.

8JanuaryTWX from Hertford/ALO to Starbird addresses the problems
ated to the proposed relaxation of one-point criteria.
8 January Starbird. sent a TWX to Reeves, Info.

labs, In which he

horized the construction of 3 LRL safety tunne!s and 4 LASL safety

es at NTS and states that such is to be done within funds already
ilable to ALO.

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Select target paragraph3