Here is an eees
8 Jan. 1959
memessage from Starbird to LASL and Livermore which
Starbird's proposed introductory remarks before upcoming hearing with the JCAE to
update the results of Hardtack.

Among other details of the accomplishments of the

Hardtack series and its impacts in contrast to other previous atmospheric testing
and NTS testing,

Starbird mentions the test moratorium now in effect as follows:


"With the suspension of testing forcast to occur on 31 Oct. it was necessary that
we revise radically our plans and attempt to complete&

31 Oct. as much as

Specifically, it was necessary for us to try to finalize designs that

were near completion (final design) but for which further tests were still necessary."
Thus he notes what the original intent of the NTIS phase of Hardtack was prior to the
_ plans for a moratorium and what the revisions of the program was in some detail and
the results of the shots in the Sept.-Oct. 58 time frame as to their success and

lack of success.


The first half of calendar year 59 shows plenty of discussions and testimony
in the areas of reactor testing at the NTS and also of fallout contributions from
all of the nuclear tests to date.

The information on fallout is to be presented to

the JCAE special sub-committee on radiation and, at least in part, will be a

presentation by Wright Langham on "biosperic contamination from nuclear weapons

tests through 1958."

DMA prepared for the JCAE a composite report of the future activities and
status of the three laboratories for approximately a 10 year period in the future

and submitted this apparently in Sept. of 59.

Select target paragraph3