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required for this contingency need careful examination.”


The situation

referred to is apparently the simultaneous conduct of diagnostic tests

at Eniwetok, high altitude weapons effects tests at Johnston Island,
and very high altitude shots from the south pacific.

Further interesting

remarks are "it will be observed that regardiess of conditions imposed
upon future testing, AEC and DOD programs are likely to be less inter-

‘dependent technically in the future than they have been in the past.
Weapons effects programs will be directed primarily toward objectives

which would require special effects shots.

It i's probable that AEC

‘diagnostic shots will be set up ona twhen ready" basis rather than an
extended series, thus allowing limited time for coordination with weapons
effects programs.

Mutually supported activities wiff“be quite as important

In the future as in the past; however, the dove-tailing of technical
programs should be far less complex."

Select target paragraph3