

TF The documentation for Vortex at Site Able begins in the beginning of 1959|

with a confidential document describing the site as a fast criticality


facility at the NTS and says the following things about it.
"The installation will completely contain debris from detonated device assemblies including the fissile materials (plutonium, U255). The facility will be designed
for a 150 lb explosive limit including nuclear yield. The total installation


' required to fire one shot per week and to process all the debris is estimated
to cost approximately $4 million dollars. '" <A somewhat abbreviated facility
is estimated to cost approximately $2-1/2 million dollars.
Experiments to
conducted in such a facility are described as: (1)
hydronuclear devices

in which the mass of fissile material is adjusted to give a nuclear yield

which is negligible when compared to the explosive in the assembly, (2)
device safety test to dctermine the performance of ainormaiiy detonated
configurations with nuclear yieids held within specified limits,
and (3)

equation of state hydrodynamic and initiator studies making use of fissile

materials but giving no nuclear yield.

A preliminary construction scnedule

which would provide for construction to begin immediately indicates that the
operational date for the site would be 1 August 1960. Note that discussion
of such a facility and direction for people to consider the steps necessary

to construct it was documented by a Mr. Bruce Crowley as early as May of 1958.

Construction actually did take place and continued right up through the resump-

tion of testing in 1961 with some initial types of testing planned for the
- facility in 1962.

The discussion around earlyy January
[9229addr, essing the upcomi
of the Eniwetok Proving Ground or
EPG Planning Board includes onossa
tromReeves re various addres
| will list. these addressees
peeve some correlstionj to a
list of mem:
moers of thhn
APSnPe poard Starbird,

r Admiral

Edward Parker who was head

Graves, H. &. Grier (EG&G),
Sam Howel |

(USAEC, Los Angeles), and Duane Sew
el | (LRL).

CH&N), F. W. Hohner




A 2Januacy TWX from Task Group 7.1 (LCDR Snure) to Cmdr. JTF-7 states

that EG&G, after looking into a mobile trailer or van for certain diagnostic and firing and timing functions, states that there is such a van
under construction for the Plowshare program but that to get the full

capability envisioned and they don't specifically know wht it its but they

would guess that about 120 days lead time would be required to develop
such a mobile capability.




Select target paragraph3