The following notes cover the eee
first half of calendar year 59.
TS AMT. STsese



Colonel Leo A. Kiley became Technical Director and Assistant Deputy Chief of

Staff under WET as of 1 April 59.

"The primary mission of the Weapons Effects Tests Group during this reporting
period was to maintain a continuing capability for fielding a weapons effects tests
organization should the existing nuclear test moratorium be cancelled and the U.S.

resume nuclear testing.

In connection with this mission, very close liaison has

been maintained by an interchange of visits between staff personnel of WET and

Headquarters DASA in order to effect a close coordination of effort and to better
understand the mutual problems involved should nuclear testing be resumed."


is noted that the moratorium has emphasized the need to put on paper WET's methods
of Field Operations and thus they have been preparing standard operating procedures

| and directives which cover both NTS as well as overseas test activities, as well as
their functions as Sandia. WET participated in meetings on “Pacific Test Planning,

including JIF-7, the labs, etc.


on "How to resume testing under conditions which

would make firing urgent and which would not permit use of the existing Pacific

Proving Ground."

Note that Kiley came to Field Command from being Chief of the Biophysics
Division of AFSWP.


In this role Kiley served on the NTS Planning Board and, on

4 June 59, presented the DOD effects program for Operation Trumpet.

Within the

group, planning is proceeding for certain projects to be carried out on Trumpet


should it be permitted in the future.

Select target paragraph3