6 Feb. 59 minutes of 28-29 Jan. meeting held at ALOO on "Weapons Testing -


Alternate Methods and Locations", attended by fabs, DMA, JTF~7,
AFSWP, AFSWC, and AEC contractors.

Conclusion was that EPG could


respond in 3 months and an 8-shot operation could be completed. .
there before any alternate location could be readied.


that use of EPG might be denied, alternates were studied.
sea shots using LSD/LCU were assumed.

and respond in 3 months.

JTF-7 felt they could reorganize

Base for open seas operation should be Pearl

Harbor (most economica] and fastest)
plished in vicinity.


if hot dry runs can be accom-~

Further exploration of alternate bases (Hilo

and Johnston in addition to Pearl) is recommended.

Further, ALOO —

recommends labs and contractors be authorized to define LCU/LSD
“requirements and do engineering.

Details of population, cost, time

scale, method of. operation, etc., for each location is set forth.

Graves, Ogle, and Curry attended for
than mentioned above were addressed.

Many other locations

Graves got copy 8 of 22,

The hydrodynamic tests performed on Yucca Lake using trailer 13 were a Livermore
project described in the following j2 February 1959 TWX from Dwayne Sewell to

Starbird DMA.

"These tests are primarily associated with the

program and the Canary device program.

They represent essentially all the

hydrodynamic tests on these two programs and a curtailment of test activity
would cause'a significant delay in the programs.
-°-+-The next few months
represents a period of relative high activity but not beyond the capability
we always plan on at NTS.


It has been our policy to maintain Sugar bunker

in a state of readiness to accept hydrodynamic shots."

A number of tests in

the Tony program, Canary program and Wren program and XW47 program over a period
of months at the Teabag and Sugar bunker sites are tentatively projected by
Sewell'ts TWX.

Select target paragraph3