All of these studies just mentioned were provided to Bradbury prior to a


eeting which he attended on behalf of LASL onand T Februcryfn Washington.


pperantly, this was the first meeting of the “Panel on High Altitude Detection"

nd I gather that Panofsky is the Chairman, and that Teller, Molnar, and Starbird
ere also in attendance.

A message from Starbird to these three Lab directors on

3 February notes that Panofsky is planning to call a second meeting of the panel

n about two weeks since he feels this will be required to come up with a "final


Starbird, who was in attendance, directs the Laboratories as follows:

slvermore, with Sandia's assistance, should develop a detailed plan for instruienting and firing an outer space weapons test, including ideas on carrying an

ffectiveness of shielding.

"The Lab best qualified to exemine the questionx of

she satellite instrumentation should do so.

This would include both the Fluor

;wproach described by Dick Latter and the proportional counter suggested by Panofsky‘n discussion after Bradbury left, Panofsky several times suggested that LASL might
thdertake development of such instruments. "T made no comment at all concerning this,

10t knowing LASL's abilities in this regard."

Starbird asks LASL if they can, with

Sandia, undertake such an evaluation on this instrumentation and the potential usage.
3radbury forwarded this request to Graves, Ogle, Kellogg, Taschek, Rosen, Mark, and


Select target paragraph3