ACL? STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING ON THE PART OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES | AND THE COVERNMENT OF THE TRUST TERRITORY OF THE PACIFIC 1SLANDS | CONCERNING THE MOVE OF THE PEOPLE OF BIKINI \—. On August ll, 1978, AUGUST, the Deputy Undersecretary, the Office of Territoria] Affairs, Island ra Kila island, residents. and The purpese th: forthcoming cto respend tions und bear concerns put to then by the people of Bikini Island. had carliec, on August 7, held a similar mecting with Bikini whe now reside on Kili. of the Pacific Islands, Adrian P. Winkel, dl. in Saipan from joining in the visit 12. with ta qurs- They former residents of The High Commissioner «fF 10. and Van Cleve, their meeting *as to convey information on the subjecre of move by tiie peaple of Bikini of che Wallace Green, Ruth G. journeyed cto Bikini Island to meet with its current of 19768 the Undersecretary of the Department Interior, James A. Joseph, the Director of ISLAND, the Yrust Territory had been prevented by bad weather to Bikini Island, but he had egarldivr mee the peuple of Bikini, as well as with other Bikinians on Kili. 13. 14. In 1946, 15. UL. 16. nuclear 17. first S. the people of Bikini were removed from their atoll by Navy in order to enable the United States to use the acol] testing program which lasted until 1958. to Rongerik, 1960's, then In che early 1970's, ang fae Cihdnd the atoll] and a rehabilitation program was seme Bikini people wore empleved beiand population inevessed to epprenimaieldy to alarming proportions, April, CF i cs melo Listed CL EF? Sar pepe the major islands of the atoll. jn and a major feeding progran 1978 surveys showed that the proderct wis an dan. the intake of radionuclides hy the people living an EBiniri increased tuted. Tn the date it appeared that levels of radiation on Bikini atell were such chat Beginning in 1969, a clean-up of 1977, for a The islamlers were moved to Kwajalein, and ultimately to Sili. the people could return to and use a number of gegun. the dn island bau was insti- the feeding program had not resulted BEST COPY AVAILABLE