
5. The first trip would be one to arrive to witness the
(uoy High Altitude shot.

It is possible that this trip of some

15 to 17 total spaces Will be over-subscribed, particularly in

view of the high interest of the DOD in this shot.

For that

reason our invitations: to those of Cabinet Officer rank and to
the JCAE would list all four of the observer shots as avallable,

whereas invitations to other individuals would list only the
three later trips.

6. As to the foreign observers suggested, it is believed
the AEC should offer no objection if the matter is properly

coordinated with the Department of State,

The U.S, has agreements

for military cooperation will all the nations or organizations

Tentatively the DOD had been thinking of splitting

the foreign observers (except the NATO group)

into three separate

It would appear much more convenient to consolidate

the United Kingdom, Canadian and Australian observers into one

group for reasons given in the attached proposed letter to the

DOD (Appendix "C"),.

The Joint Task Force is now planning to

effect this consolidation for the U.K,, Canadian and Australian

7. Mr. Quarles! letter informs the Commission that the
Commander, JTEF-7 will give a briefing later to sénior NATO


From informal discussion it is understood that this

would be to the NATO international staff,

It would have to be

limited, insofar as atomic information is concerned, to data

judged transmissible by the AEC and DOD (unless the new law
specifies some different procedure).

With the close of the

operational period the Commander, JTF-7 is ne longer responsible
to the AEC but becomes entirely a Commander of the military


As such, what he does then is not an AEC responsibility


Select target paragraph3