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3. Relative to the point of curtailing the scope of the
program, we planned for REDWING six observer trips of about 20

persons each split 60 to AEC and 60 to the DOD.

The AEC invited

some 100 persons who might be termed "high Government officials"

or high AEC subcontractor officials of whom only some twenty-five
were able to make the trip. Both the AEC and DOD found themselves
filling out the six scheduled trips with quite junior people
and often with peoplenot too directly concerned with important

aspects of the program,

We believe that it is entirely probable

that the 30 spaces for AEC will cover all those who should and
will be able to accept,

If not, however, it will be necessary

that added trips be scheduled,

We shall not be able to determine

the exact number of spaces needed until after invitations have
been issued and answers received,

We propose that invitations

be issued to the individuals named in Appendix "A" which is 2a
listing quite similar to the invitation list of REDWING.

4. As to scheduling for particular shots, last minute
snanges in past tests have caused confusion particularly when
officials have been led to believe that they will see a specific


In discussion with General Loper and General Luedecke,

we have agreed that we shall tell the invitees that certain

trips will leave at certain times and be away for a certain

It is unreasonable to expect that individuals will

answer an invitation realistically until we can spell out better

the time away and the date of departure.

For that reason our

invitations would be worded similar to Appendix "B",

These would

specify that observer trips would depart in mid-April late April,

mid-May and early June (See Appendix "D")





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